Chronicles of Ghadid Trilogy, Short Story

The Siege of Ghadid: Final Wave

In celebration - and anticipation - of the third and final book in the Chronicles of Ghadid series, I'm sharing an in-world novella that takes place sometime during the events of the second book, The Impossible Contract. That said, if you haven't read The Impossible Contract: stop. Do not pass go. Do not progress forward.… Continue reading The Siege of Ghadid: Final Wave

Chronicles of Ghadid Trilogy, Short Story

The Siege of Ghadid: Second Wave

In celebration - and anticipation - of the third and final book in the Chronicles of Ghadid series, I'm sharing an in-world novella that takes place sometime during the events of the second book, The Impossible Contract. That said, if you haven't read The Impossible Contract: stop. Do not pass go. Do not progress forward.… Continue reading The Siege of Ghadid: Second Wave

Chronicles of Ghadid Trilogy, The Impossible Contract (Book 2)

Happy Publication Day to THE IMPOSSIBLE CONTRACT!

Somehow this day has finally arrived after a million years in-between. Sometimes it felt as if I'd never see this book out in the world, sometimes it felt as if it were arriving so fast, too fast. Either way: We're here. THE IMPOSSIBLE CONTRACT, the book I wrote just for me, just for fun, after… Continue reading Happy Publication Day to THE IMPOSSIBLE CONTRACT!

Chronicles of Ghadid Trilogy, The Unconquered City (Book 3)

Revealing Book 3: The Unconquered City

I have been exceptionally lucky when it comes to book covers. We can all recite the warnings we receive upon entering into the publishing world about having no control over our covers, we can all share a few nail-curling stories we've heard, where covers aren't just wrong for the book, they're outright wrong for the… Continue reading Revealing Book 3: The Unconquered City

Chronicles of Ghadid Trilogy, Short Story

Short Story: Cause of Death

Happy autumn!! To celebrate the fact that The Impossible Contract comes out in less than two months, here's a short story about another of Amastan's cousins, Menna - saver of souls by day, taker of lives by night. Ao3 Tags: Capable priest is too good at her job, denial is not just a river in… Continue reading Short Story: Cause of Death

Chronicles of Ghadid Trilogy, Short Story

Short Story: Casting Bones

Happy July! Here's a short story about Amastan's cousin, Azulay - gambler, assassin, and soft cinnamon roll extraordinaire. Ao3 Tags: anxiety, angst, gambling, pretending to be bad at this, cinnamon roll, bad choices, only choices, everything's Fine, how (not) to make friends CW: Mild violence, domestic violence, heights, death “Four skies, six sands, and two… Continue reading Short Story: Casting Bones

promo, The Impossible Contract (Book 2)

Pride Month Pre-Order Extravaganza

It's that time of year! What, ant season? No, it's - Oh yeah, hurricane season. Thanks for the reminder, I need to restock my - No, I meant - Oh! I remember now. Monsoon season. But that doesn't start for another two weeks. I mean, yes, all of those, but it's also PRIDE MONTH. The… Continue reading Pride Month Pre-Order Extravaganza