Life, Writing

“How’s the writing going?”

A well-meaning question that's just as hard to answer. Sometimes I can truthfully answer -- after a few solid 5am writing sessions -- "good." Lately... it's more complicated. "It's going," suffices for both of us, and is equally true. But what I really want to say, and what no one has the time for, is… Continue reading “How’s the writing going?”

Chronicles of Ghadid Trilogy, The Perfect Assassin (Book 1), Writing

When is it “finished?”

As of Friday, Book One is done. And yet it's not really "finished," per se. It's sitting quietly on my harddrive, resting and dreaming, before I slog through it for one last read-through, then it'll be off to my editor who may (or may not) tear it apart and declare it an abomination. Either way,… Continue reading When is it “finished?”

Chronicles of Ghadid Trilogy, The Perfect Assassin (Book 1), Work In Progress, Writing

#amediting – Make it Bleed

The best decision I've made so far with this round of edits - aside from, you know, doing them - was to turn on Track Changes. Now whenever I feel like I'm treading water and getting nowhere, all I have to do is flip to "show all markup" and see just how much I've done.… Continue reading #amediting – Make it Bleed

Draft Zero, Life, OIBM, Writing


I had every intention to get in on the one-a-day thankful meme, but then it was mid-November and, well. But I firmly believe it's never too late to be thankful, so I've compiled my list for Thanksgiving itself. 26 things because this year, Thanksgiving fell on the 26th. 26 Things I'm Thankful For: (or: A… Continue reading #Thankful

Draft Zero, OIBM, Writing

Just Keep Swimming

The benefit of consistently writing for so many years is that you really get to know your process. Which means knowing what works for you, but also knowing where you struggle. I've come to accept over the years that 1/3rd of the way through a first draft is always where I start losing momentum. The… Continue reading Just Keep Swimming

Chronicles of Ghadid Trilogy, The Impossible Contract (Book 2), Work In Progress, Writing

WIP Check-In: The Final Draft and Final Countdown, Day 1

I have a week left until my wholly self-imposed deadline of April 1st to finish this final draft of my WIP. I'm a month late already and April Fool's Day just seems to be an appropriate time to send this beast to my beta readers. There is an awful lot of restructuring and rewriting to… Continue reading WIP Check-In: The Final Draft and Final Countdown, Day 1

Chronicles of Ghadid Trilogy, The Impossible Contract (Book 2), Work In Progress, Writing

This is the WIP That Never Ends

It keeps on going on, my friend. One person started writing it not knowing when she'd stop. And she will keep on writing it forever just because - At least, that's what it feels like! I had a December deadline to reach 100k words, thinking that would be close enough to finished. That passed by… Continue reading This is the WIP That Never Ends

Work In Progress, Writing

Achievement Unlocked: 50,000 words

Wouldn't it be great if - like in a lot of video games these days - every time you reached a major goal in your life a little "achievement unlocked" button would pop up in your vision? Well, assuming they didn't pop up while you were driving. Even better for writing goals. It would be… Continue reading Achievement Unlocked: 50,000 words

Work In Progress, Writing

The Writing Process Blog Tour

My awesome writing buddy Lora recently tagged me in the writing process tour. We met a few years ago in this here desert and I never let her go. Lora writes YA novels and literary short stories and is currently working on a sci-fi YA adventure. She just finished her latest draft and I am ridiculously excited for… Continue reading The Writing Process Blog Tour

Work In Progress, Writing, Writing Tips

My At-Home Writing Retreat

With my wife away at a conference all last week, I decided to put that time to good use and do an at-home writing retreat. I detailed my prep in that post, then went silent for a week. Now that's it officially over, I have both wins and fails to share. First, the wins. Cleaning… Continue reading My At-Home Writing Retreat